Product Description
Health Benefits of Elephant Apple:
Elephant apple trees are found in Bihar, Odisha, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh ,Bengal and Assam. However,
it grows in greatest abundance in the reserve forests of Assam where the elephants love to eat the fruit, hence the name elephant apple.
Elephant apple is known by various regional names:
CHALTA, KARAMBEL: (Hindi & Bengali), AVARTAKI: (Sanskrit), OUTENGA: (Assamese), UVVA: (Telugu),
UVAY: (Tamil) etc. Its botanical name is DILLENIA INDIA.
Indians have exploited elephant apple's curative properties for centuries.
In Ayurveda, parts of the fruit treat nervousness, stomach upsets and fatigue. Various scientific studies on the elephant apple have shown that the fruit has
the following properties:
i) Anti diabetic
ii) Anti microbial
iii) Analgesic
iv) Anti inflammatory
v) Anti- leukemic
Enjoy elephant apple fruit tea for its pleasant taste and its medicinal properties.